An estimated 70,000 sea turtle eggs are being evacuated from the oil-threatened beaches bordering the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic coast of Florida, beginning in July 2010. 从今年7月开始,约有7万枚海龟蛋经过撤离,从饱受油污威胁的墨西哥湾海滩运至佛罗里达州大西洋沿岸。
Debby Crouse: Moving sea turtle eggs may cause all sorts of other problems, but we believe that under these circumstances, we have little choice. 黛比克劳斯:转移海龟蛋可能会引发各种各样的新问题,但我们相信,在这种情况下,我们已经别无选择。
Mr. Chen is an example of what is called a 'sea turtle' or 'haigui' in Mandarin: a Chinese native who has returned home after stints in the West. 陈玮是典型的海龟(海归),也就是在西方供职多年后回到国内的中国人。
Radiation has dissipated, and the deserted white-sand beaches are lined with coconut palms and scattered with seashells and an occasional giant sea turtle& which will hurriedly call to its friends: Look, there's a rare sight, a human! 辐射已经消失,与世隔绝的雪白沙滩上是成排的椰子树,星星点点的贝壳,偶有巨大的海龟奔走相告:快看!那儿有个稀罕东西&人类!
Olive-colored sea turtle of tropical Pacific and Indian and South Atlantic oceans. 分布在热带太平洋、印度洋和南大西洋的橄榄色的海龟。
Pugnacious tropical sea turtle with a hawk-like beak; source of food and the best tortoiseshell. 长有鹰钩嘴、好斗的热带海龟;可作为食物的原料,是最好的龟甲。
Attached to Allison's shell with neoprene, the fin was developed at Sea Turtle, Inc., a turtle-rescue facility. 这个鳍是由海龟公司开发的一个海龟营救设备,用氯丁橡胶连结在Allison的背壳上。
A tropical sea turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata) valued as a source of tortoiseshell. 玳瑁被看作是龟甲的来源之一的热带海洋中一种海龟(玳瑁玳瑁属)
The female sea turtle digs a hole in sand with her back feet. 雌性海龟在沙滩上用它们的后腿挖洞。
Well-known commodities pearls, rhinoceros horn, sea turtle, ivory and so on. 著名的商品有珍珠、犀角、玳瑁、象牙等。
EarthSky spoke with Barbara Schroeder, national sea turtle coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA. 记者就此采访了芭芭拉·施罗德,国家海洋与大气管理局NOAA国家海龟保护事业专员。
There were many interesting topics, including the Evils of Homework, a glance at Hans Christian Anderson's "The Little Mermaid", the life cycle of the sea turtle, and a glance at ghosts, among others. 孩子们提供了许多有趣的主题,包括家庭作业的可恶、对安徒生笔下的“小美人鱼”的惊鸿一瞥、海龟的生命周期、对鬼的解析,等等。
The sea turtle is the largest reptile in the aquarium. 海龟是现今海洋世界中躯体最大的爬行动物。
One day four coolies came with a huge sea turtle for sale. 一天,四个苦力抬来一只巨大的海龟出售。
China wants to lure home more sea turtles ( so called because sea turtle is a homonym for the Chinese for returnees). 中国希望吸引更多海龟(中文里海归的谐音)回国。
A hawksbill sea turtle struggles to free itself from a fishing net in New Taipei City's Longdong Bay on Aug.23. 一只玳瑁八月二十三日于新北市龙洞湾海底,努力挣脱困住它的渔网。
And donations made in Paul's name helped pay for a permanent sea turtle rescue center on the Greek island of Zakynthos. 以保罗名字的捐款为希腊扎金索斯岛的一个永久海龟救护中心提供资金。
Hu Ping thinks that the sea turtle is a quite friendly animal. 在胡萍的眼里,海龟是一种相当友善的动物。
A Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in just a few feet of water. 一只夏威夷绿海龟在仅有几英尺深的水里游泳。
Tour the famous Georgia Sea Turtle Center. 游览著名的佐治亚州海龟中心。
MtDNA Sequence Analysis of Green Sea Turtle ( Chelonia mydas) of the South China Sea 中国南海绿海龟(Cheloniamydas)线粒体DNA序列分析
This loggerhead sea turtle was released into the wild after recovering from an injury. 这只受伤的赤蠵龟康复后,已被放生。照片:美联社。
What better mark of a successful sea turtle? 成功海龟的标志是什么?
Han Jia, I've seen a big sea turtle. 韩佳,我看到大海龟啦。
There is no shortage of venture capital looking for good Chinese investments: who better to capture it than a sea turtle with a proved background as an entrepreneur and a degree in computer science? 想在中国寻找好项目的风险资金比比皆是,要抓住这些资金,有谁能比既拥有成功的创业背景又拥有计算机学位的海龟更适合呢?
Gray sea turtle of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America. 北美洲大西洋和海湾沿岸的灰色海龟。
Many youngsters rack their brains to collect some rarely seen pets such as lizard, green snake, python, sea turtle or even poisonous spider. 很多年轻人缴尽脑汁搜集一些很少见的宠物比如蜥蜴,青蛇,蟒蛇,海龟甚至是毒蜘蛛。
Very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas. 非常大的食肉性海龟;广泛分布在温暖开阔的海域。
Longline fishing vessel, 27 species of fish and one species of sea turtle were identified and catch rates of main economic fish were analyzed. 经过鉴定共有27种鱼类和一种海龟。
The problems of sea turtle conservation in China 中国海龟的保护问题